My Two Cents
My blog about business, social media, books, life, and what matters.
Passion In the past I have often allowed myself to get sucked into projects that I am not excited about. There is a meta narrative in our culture that we have to do things that are unpleasant, and in fact that is the path to success. While that may be true in some ways and at some times, what I have discovered is that it is no way to build a life. Yes, I may need to work out in order to stay physical health. But I have choices about what I do. Playing a few games of "Just Dance" on the Wii with my kids is just as legitimate as running a mile. Maybe more, as doing something I love and building relationships have added stress relieving and brain building properties. In much of human history (and even still in many parts of the world) we have had to do what we have to do to survive. But I am extremely blessed to live in a time and place and situation that gives me lots of choices. I will be able to bring my best to the world when I make the choice that brings out my passion. That will help me deliver more results, get more done, and keep my productivity high. Sometimes that might still mean sacrifice and hard work. It always amazes me how far passion can carry me, even when things get rough. Purpose The next word I chose is closely related to the first. What can help direct passion, and overcome the challenges in the process, is purpose. A greater why behind my choices. My goal is to stay aware of my why behind everything I do. To focus on projects that make the world a better place overall. To not be afraid of being vocal about things that matter. This word is something that I already began in 2015. I started getting intense about where I am going and what I want to accomplish. Tracking successes and failures, measuring, and improving. That is something I definitely want to continue and even expand on in the new year. People My last word is people, because really that is what it all is about anyway. I have been accused of being a workaholic. And my response is always that it is not work for work's sake, but for a bigger reason. Which is all true. I have to always keep my eye on the fact that the bigger reason is the people I love immediately, and people as a whole indirectly. I want to keep my sons, my boyfriend, and my family and friends in the fore front this year. Looking for ways to make more time for them and to involve them in my purposes and passions too. Maybe this exercise has inspired you too. I would love to hear your three words in the comments below. Something amazing starts to happen when we start saying things out loud. Try it and see. And Happy New Year! Comments are closed.